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Since the current escalation of LGBTQ persecution, it has been increasingly difficult to share stories and engage the wider queer and trans community, both in Uganda and internationally.

“Debunque It” will examine the history, the news, and the stories of the LGBTQ community members living in isolation and the brave few who are trying to fight for change.

This podcast project features stories from the ground, high profile guests, and tackles challenging discussions with real life examples. The hope is that the show effectively educates the wider public in Uganda and empowers individuals, communities, and decision-makers to take action in support of human rights for LGBTQ individuals.



The first three episodes take a close look at how online hate speech and harassment against LGBTQ people has increased rapidly over the past year. This has exacerbated discrimination and violence, and has made it difficult for LGBTQ people to access social services including healthcare.

The podcast will address the extreme hate impacting the lives of LGBTQ people in Uganda; educating listeners on how this hatred came to Uganda in the first place, and debunking these harmful stereotypes through interviews with experts.

To listen to recent episodes

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